Relative from 300 Years

Relative from 300 Years

Table of Contents

Haplogroup R-FT194071 shows our direct paternal surname line and the ancient history of your ancestors who is estimated to have been born around 300 years ago

Your Y-DNA Haplogroup Report for R-FT194071

The Y chromosome is passed on from father to son, remaining mostly unaltered from generation to generation, except for small trackable changes from time to time. By comparing these small differences in high-coverage test results, we can reconstruct a large Family Tree of Mankind where all Y chromosomes go back to a single common ancestor who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago.

This tree allows us to explore paternal lineages through time and place and to uncover the modern history of your direct paternal surname line and the ancient history of your ancestors.

McManus Y-DNA Study - Y-DNA Classic Chart

Discover Haplogroup Family Tree DNA

300 Years Ago McManus R-FT194071

  • Haplogroup R-FT194071 represents a man who is estimated to have been born around 300 years ago, plus or minus 150 years.
  • Unknow GGGrandfather - Arigna McManus Common Ancestor
  • Born around 1700
  • 95% probability he was born between 1550 CE and 1850 CE.

My Tree Connections

  • Michael McManus (2nd Great Grandfather) was born around 1830,
  • Thomas McManus (3rd Great Grandfather) b. est 1790-1810
  • R-FT194071 McManus (4-6th? Great Grandfather) - Born Before 1780
  • (7th+ Great Grandfather) - Born Before 1780

He is the most recent paternal line ancestor of all members of this group.

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