Patrick McManus 1846 - 1930

Patrick McManus 1846 - 1930

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My great grandfather, Patrick McManus, was known as Paddy Mac. He was born in 1846 in Keadue, County Roscommon, six miles from our current family home in Drumshanbo, County Leitrim.

Patrick McManus
Patrick McManus

Off to America with his Brothers

As a young man he travelled to America with his two brothers, Frank and Cornelius. Family legend has it that Frank and Cornelius worked in a circus.

Paddy Mac was a renowned sportsman and lover of horses and dogs.

Return to Drumshanbo

While his brothers stayed in America, Paddy returned home and married Elizabeth Cooney from Drumshanbo.

4th Generation Pub

Elizabeth’s family were business people and her father bought her a pub on High Street, Drumshanbo - possibly as a dowry. In the nineteenth century there were numerous Mc Manus’ families in business in the town. So Paddy Mac felt right at home there in the pub - as have all the McManus’ since. The pub is now in its fourth generation of Paddy Mac’s - the current being my father.

Ten Children

Paddy and Elizabeth Cooney had ten children, six of whom survived to adulthood. Paddy Mac was very much an all rounder. From High Street he ran the pub, ran a horse stud and was also involved with politics and local representation.


His obituary in the Leitrim Observer dated 25th October, 1930 shows that he made his mark as a popular, good man and devoted local representative:

Paddy Mc Manus was a straightforward fighter and an honourable opponent. Lifelong temperance, a sound constitution and a buoyant spirit enabled him to face and surmount difficulties with comparative ease. He always had a welcome word, a warm heart and an ‘open house’ for anyone he could assist.

Leitrim Observer

During his lifetime Paddy Mac was famous for two heroic deeds, which are well documented. The Leitrim Observer of 25th October, 1930 reported:

Not alone was Paddy Mac fearless in politics and in public life, but he knew no fear where danger was concerned

Brave Rescue

When a young man, he was a silent spectator at a burning building in Carrick on Shannon - Hartley House. A nanny and some children were trapped in their beds as hundreds of people looked helplessly on. Throwing off his coat, he dashed through the fire and smoke and one by one he brought the children to the windows and carried them down ladders to the street below. For this act of bravery he was presented with a gold watch suitably inscribed and his action on that occasion has not even been forgotten to this day by some of the young people whom he rescued.

Captain Sadlier Recovery

On another occasion, when the yacht of the late Captain Sadlier overturned in Lough Allen, bringing him to the bottom, after weeks of dragging the waters and searching for the body the police had given it up as hopeless. Mr. Mc Manus with the aid of a drag which he invented himself, started out on his own and inside of twenty-four hours he brought the body of the dead Captain to the surface.

Everything he put his hand to was a success for he was a man who did not know what failure was and was possessed of an indomitable spirit and remarkable will power.


His political career was illustrious also. From the passing of the Local Government Act 1898, he was a prominent member of the Leitrim County Council and nearly all the public boards of the county.

In the early days he played a prominent part in the stirring times of the Land League and after. The Land League was an organisation of the times whose aim was to take the land of Ireland out of the hands of the English landlords and into the hands of the peasant farmers who worked it.

Charles Stuart Parnell was a leader of the Land League and known in history as the uncrowned King of Ireland. Paddy Mac’s admiration and support for Parnell knew no limits and it landed him in jail on numerous occasions.

On the other hand he had an extreme contempt for Gladstone and his English Liberals by whom he was imprisoned in 1881 - 1882 in Kilmainham Jail in Dublin.

The Paddy Mac heroics have continue with my father. In 1939 The Leitrim Observer reported:

1939 The Leitrim Observer - Heroic Act

Miss McHugh, Church Street, Drumshanbo had a harrowing experience recently, when throwing her dog into Lough Allen she overbalanced and fell in. She had sank twice when two youngsters of tender years came to her rescue. One of them held her up while the other ran for help. The latter boy’s mother who happened to be in the vicinity, quickly rushed to the scene.

They succeeded in rescuing Miss Mc Hugh who appeared to be none the worse of her experience, except for severe cuts on her legs. The youngster who held her up was young Master Niall Flynn, aged 7 years, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. Flynn, Blackrock, Drumshanbo, while the boy who ran and brought help was Master Paddy Mc Manus, aged 4 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. McManus, Church St., Drumshanbo.

Were it not for the presence of mind of these two children a tragedy would certainly have occurred.

We trust that their heroic act will be brought to the notice of the proper authorities.

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