Maghnus Ua Conchobair, Prince of Connacht
Maghnus, one of the two principal septs of the name in Ireland:
McManus Surname World Map
McManus Surname Definition: MACMANNAS: (in Elgin), Macmannes (in Aberdeen).
McManuses in Five Catholic Parishes
McManuses in Five Catholic Parishes, North Roscommon Compiled from the book:
SNP Tracker
This tool creates a map which traces a paternal line from human origins to any Y or mitochondrial SNP
US Immigration
US Immigration records that feature the mass migration into NYC for Irish Immigrants
- Architect
- Ardnanure
- Arigna
- Arms
- Atholone
- Autosomnal
- Bagpipes
- Ballyfarnon
- Ballyforan
- Baseball
- Battle of Ballinamuck
- BigY700
- Book
- Boyle
- Calendar
- Caranault
- Carrick-on-Shannon
- Carrownanalt
- Catholic
- Cemeteries
- Clay
- Clearances
- Co Roscommon Arigna
- Coercion Act
- Connacht
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- Dna Tests
- Drumshanbo
- Durham
- East Keadue
- Fair Day
- Family Stories
- Famine
- Fermanagh
- Gaffney
- Griffith
- H1-C16239T
- Haplogroup
- Haplogroup A-PR2921
- Haplogroup DYS390
- Haplogroup R-DF23
- Haplogroup R-FT194071
- Haplogroup R-FT411594
- Haplogroup R-M222
- Haplogroup R-M269
- Haplogroup R-P310
- Haplogroup R-Z2959
- Haplogroup R-Z39589
- History
- House of Commons
- Irish Hill
- Kilgarve Townland
- Killgarfein
- Kilmainham Gaol
- Kilronan
- King of Potrero
- Land Records
- Lasir
- Leitrim
- Link
- Links
- Longford
- Maguires
- Maps
- Military
- Mount Davis
- Murhaun
- New York City
- Nure
- Outages
- Paddy Macs
- Parish
- Pattern Day
- Philadelphia
- Police
- Potrero
- Pub
- Registers
- Research
- Roscommon
- San Francisco
- Summer School
- Surname
- Tennison
- Tension
- Tourism
- Tyneside
- Ulster
- Union Hotel
- US Passport
- Workhouse
- WW1