Sweeney's Trial - 10-26-1894

Sweeney's Trial - 10-26-1894

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San Francisco, California - Friday October 26, 1894

Difficulty Experienced in Producing Joseph McDonald.

Charles Sweeny

The trial of ex-ball-player Charles Sweeney for the murder of Cornelius McManus the “Gossoon,” was resumed yesterday before Judge Wallace and a jury.

Policemen Dougherty and Cody was called by the prosecution to testify to Sweeney’s behavior at the time of bis arrest. Both said that Sweeney admitted having killed McManus, saying, “I did it in self-defense.” Then a call was made for Frank McManus, the “King” of the Potrero, but that distinguished individual, although presumed to be near by, was not found after a brief search. Judge Wallace thereupon continued the trial until Monday next, by which time it is expected that all the witnesses will be present.

Con McManus

Word was received from the Sheriff of Stanislaus County to the effect that be had heard of the departure of George MeDon-ld, the badly wanted witness, from that county for San Franeisco on Tuesday last. It was suggested to Judge Wallace by the attorneys for the defense that perhaps the Sheriff bad not taken the trouble to go in search of MeDonald, who has been residing about ten miles from Modesto. It was very important that he be produced, as he was said to have altered bis testimony previously given.

Judge Wallace ordered that instructions be telegraphed to the Sheriff of Modesto County to go in search of McDonald and satisfy himself as to whether or not he had left for San Francisco.

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